Shannon Centennial

Nice video to celebrate Shannon centennial (2016) and his worderful achievements that impact so much our lifes nowadays.

Signal Processing

What is signal processing and what it does in the actual society?

Machine Learning and Signal Processing

The "magic" behind the use of signal processing methods and strategies to real world problems.

Signal Processing in Autonomous Vehicles

One of the hot topics in the industry relying a lot on signal processing tools.

Signal Processing Carreers

Nice presentation showing the areas where signal processing is applied.

What Linear Algebra can do for the World

Interesting video showing the applications in the real world where we can see all the benefits of linear algebra.

Network Coding: an explanation for everyone

Nice explanation provided by IEEE Information Theory Society about a really interesting (and somewhat difficult) topic.

Space-Time Coding

One more video from IEEE Information Theory Society in a very important topic in wireless communications.
